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Ian DeHaan

email: ian @ this domain

Computer Science PhD at UMichigan (2024-sometime)
Combinatorics and Optimization MMath at UWaterloo (2022-2024)
Computing Science BSc at UAlberta (2018-2022)

github | kattis | codeforces | google scholar | dblp

About Me

I am a PhD student in CSE at the University of Michigan, where I work with Euiwoong Lee on approximation algorithms. Before this, I worked on online algorithms with Kanstantsin Pashkovich at the University of Waterloo. Even earlier, I was a computing science undergrad at the University of Alberta, where I worked with Zachary Friggstad on approximation algorithms.

I'm primarily interested in approximation algorithms and structural graph theory. My current work mostly revolves around finding improved approximations for classic optimization problems when the input is restricted to graphs from some structured class.

Competitive Programming

I used to compete in contests, qualifying for the ICPC world finals twice. But lately I've been more involved in coaching and problemsetting. I currently coach the talented programming teams at UMichigan and set problems for a wide array of local contests, many of which are available on open kattis.